Social media has significantly impacted us as teenagers! I used to be one those guys who insanely use those platforms, but I stopped after I couldn't answer "How is this contributing my life?" satisfactorily. though it's helpful in terms of connecting with my friends and family, I alternatively try to use it as a source of motivation, gathering ideas and following up the trending info or anything that relates to my work and life. Tbh, most of those people I follow/like are nerds in some way and don't spend some time as much as I do, which highly reminds me whenever I come across their contents to just live my life, mind my business, and like you said no one in here knows me beyond the fancy profile pic.

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thank you for the thoughtful comment! appreciate hearing your experiences about social media.

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"But I also believe that social media does change you, if you’re not careful."

Absolutely agreed. It's especially hard when you're up against behavioral scientists who work at these companies to maximize the time you spend on them. You can use them for your good though, even if it's hard to get to that point initially.

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"But I also believe that social media does change you, if you’re not careful." Largely true. Social media does change you. Finding the balance is imperative, especially in this 21st century. Great piece, Rona.

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